Blog About Twitter

In my opinion, communicating on Twitter is the perfect mixture of discussions held within class and on Blackboard. A Blackboard discussion is found online and it involves both your classmates and the professor. It is a place where you can collaborate with your peers as well as ask your professor questions pertaining to the material in class. Something that makes Blackboard discussions so convenient is that the messages one can type aren't restricted to a character limit. This major feature differentiates Blackboard discussions from online interactions on Twitter. On Twitter users are given a limit of 280 characters to articulate themselves. This feature makes it so that tweets are short and concise. I believe this is great for Twitter because users involved in discussions or debates will quickly explain their points without adding anything unnecessary or irrelevant. In-class discussions differ from Blackboard and Twitter interactions because everything said is done so in person. In this case there is no online intermediary; students can directly talk with their professors. In class discussions allow individuals to hear the tone of other people's responses which can help reveal how one really feels on a particular matter. In addition to that, as opposed to Blackboard or Twitter postings, one can receive immediate answers or comments to what they said in the classroom. Oftentimes if you are included in online discussions it takes time to wait for a response or answer from people in a thread.


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