File sharing enables us to send videos, eBooks, images, or documents to whomever we choose to using various kinds of computer programs. This technological advancement is convenient because something can be sent from my computer to another one in an instant without me having to deliver something in person. This is especially beneficial when people need to collaborate on team projects, and documents have to be sent and reviewed quickly. P2P file sharing allows users to share digital content with their peers, using a P2P network to locate the desired recipients. Some examples of P2P technology are platforms such as Skype, Napster, and TorrentFreak. In their article “Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios”, both Brian Stelter and Brad Stone explained how TorrentFreak was a site that allowed its users to download their favorite shows. Streaming sites that these is a perfect example of P2P file sharing.

Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios by Brian Stelter and Brad Stone. The New York Times, Feb 5, 2009, p. A1.http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/05/business/media/05piracy.html


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